Cornwall OPC Database
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Search Protestation Returns
  • For an explanation of the background please read the Protestation Oath
  • The source for this transcription is "Cornwall Protestation Returns 1641" from a transcript (circa 1914) by Reginald Morshead Glencross, additional material by H L Douch, edited and published by T L Stoate 1974
  • The wildcard (%) is applied by default to the right hand side of some search terms. To obtain more results, keep your search terms to a minimum e.g. to find all variations for Stephen, search for 'St' in the forename field.
  • Parish names should be entered as in other searches e.g. 'Juliot, St.' rather than 'St Juliot' but, as explained above, 'Jul' would be sufficient
  • Tip: Click on the column headings to sort in ascending/descending order
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Include Similar Surnames: Ticking this option will search for any surnames that have a similar sounding name to your search, based on the Soundex algorithm. This only works if the surname you've entered is more than 2 characters. It may also slow down your search.
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Include Nearby Parishes: Ticking this option will include any parishes that are deemed to be near to the one you're searching for. This will only work if you've specified the exact parish. It will also only work if there are any parishes registered as near to the one you're searching for.
Reset31,043 available records
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Showing 1 to 50 of 175 records found
Year UpParish Or Reg DistrictForenameSurname
1641/42Enoder, St.ZacharyARUNDELLmore
1641/42Enoder, St.AnthonyTANNERmore
1641/42Enoder, St.MatthewCOUCHmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RichardCREEDmore
1641/42Enoder, St.ThomasPASCHOWmore
1641/42Enoder, St.ThomasISBELLmore
1641/42Enoder, St.ThomasHELLINSmore
1641/42Enoder, St.ThomasBENNETTmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JohnPELLAMOUNTERmore
1641/42Enoder, St.EdwardLANINEmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RichardJAMESmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JamesBENNETTmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RichardMICHELLmore
1641/42Enoder, St.TyburtCOLEmore
1641/42Enoder, St.HumphreyLENTALLmore
1641/42Enoder, St.GeorgeTREVETHACKmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JosephJOLLEYmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RichardPOOLEmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JohnBENNETTmore
1641/42Enoder, St.NicholasTREVETHACKmore
1641/42Enoder, St.ThomasLONGmore
1641/42Enoder, St.WmLONGmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JohnCONDYmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RogerCORNISHmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JohnHAMMATmore
1641/42Enoder, St.GregoryBERRIBALLmore
1641/42Enoder, St.PaulePADDYmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RichardPADDYmore
1641/42Enoder, St.WilliamCONYmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JohnBERRIBALLmore
1641/42Enoder, St.NicholasMARTYNmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JoMARTINmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RichardHARRYSmore
1641/42Enoder, St.AlexanderHAMLYmore
1641/42Enoder, St.PhilipRICKARDmore
1641/42Enoder, St.MichaellRICKARDmore
1641/42Enoder, St.EdwardRICKARDmore
1641/42Enoder, St.ThomasRICKARDmore
1641/42Enoder, St.EdmondBULLOCKmore
1641/42Enoder, St.StephenWOONEmore
1641/42Enoder, St.EmanuellDAVIEmore
1641/42Enoder, St.PaschoeTREGELLESmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JohnTREGELLESmore
1641/42Enoder, St.WilliamSWEETmore
1641/42Enoder, St.JohnHARRYSmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RobertMARTYNmore
1641/42Enoder, St.AbrahamJENKYNGmore
1641/42Enoder, St.RichardSYMONmore
1641/42Enoder, St.NicholasWALTERSmore
1641/42Enoder, St.GeorgeSMALLICOMBmore

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Want to help? Have look at our Contributions page. The database is maintained by Gill Hart and Bill O’Reilly but for specific queries relating to
individuals or parishes please contact the appropriate parish OPC.

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