Cornwall OPC Database
Cornwall OPC
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Thank you!

A big 'Thank You' to everyone who has contributed their transcriptions to this database.

Without your help it would not have been possible.

If you'd like to help with our transcribing projects then please contact Kay Halley

MaxwellAdams FranAitkens SoniaAlexander VickyAllamand
GillianAllen BillAmborn MegAmor GwenAttridge
AntheaAugustson SandraAxen AngelaAylward DianneBaker
JulieBaker RosalieBalfour JohnBall JulianBall
JulianBall PatBalmer PatBanks AltheaBarker
SueBarkle JamesBath MichaelBath MargaretBauer
MargaretBealing LorraineBeard TonyBennett NickBewers
FBigwood EstherBirchall GeoffBirchall LesleyBizley
ChristinaBlewett DanBodenheimer RobynBodycoat BobBolitho
RitaBone-Kopp TessaBowler SueBoyland AmeliaBray
KathyBretthauer PeterBrodey NicBrokenshire DavidBrown
CarolineBuckland JackieCann SallyCann HeatherCarbis
BernardCasimir ShirleyCattermole MinChambers JanineChappell
BlancheCharles KathChaveli AngieChilds ElizabethChristopher
JoClark KayClarke JanClaxton LisaCoad
IanColdicott SaffronColes ChristopherCook DavidCoppin
MyraCordrey SusanCorner SusanCorner MaryCounter
LindaCox VanessaCox SusanCrispin David ECrocker
MarionCrockford?Smith AlanCrooks KerryCue ToniCummings
Donald ECurkeet BillCurnow BernCurrie AdeleCutlack
HeatherDangar NickyDangar BarbaraDarling Myra?NovelloDavey
TinaDavey YvetteDavid JudithDe Closey ChristopherDean
SueDennis SueDent JillDitum GayleDohrman
RogerDonne DianeDonohue DaleDow AngieDuckett
KarenDuvall MillieEastlund AdrianEddy BevEdmonds
FrancisEdwards JennyElliston VivElliston GretaErm
JessieEvans JohnEvans GailEverton-Ling Rachel B.Fields
LorraineFisher AndreaFitzgerald KarenFleming JocelynFlood
LeoFogarty PaulFoord GeoffFord LindaFowler
TomFrancis NeilFrish AliceFuller GinaFurse
KirstyFurse MikeGabriel PaulGanser GrahamGape
Jenny MGattuso NickGedye DiGibbs JennyGiles
AllenGlasson EmGordon RowenaGough NinaGraham
KathyGrant PhilipGreen RosalieGreen SueGreen
DesGreet DotGriffin TrudiGroves GillianHadley
KylieHaese CarolynHaines KayHalley BobHambly
LynHampel FredHancock MikeHancock JacquieHancocks
PatriciaHard IsabelHarris JennyHarris Peter JHarris
KerrieHarrison GillHart MarkHattam StephenHawke
LouiseHaywood KennethHeard JohnHeath RichHender
HayleyHewitt WendyHicks DavidHillman JillHogben
ChrisHollow JudyHolman Kenneth?WilliamHolmes DougHooper
JudyHopley BobHowlett CarolHughes KeithHughes
PeterHugo SueHunt JoyIreland SuJames
TerryJarvis CarolJeffery CarolJeffery RodaJelbert
SueJenner CoralJennings AltheaJohnson TimJohnson
HilaryJohnston SharonJones Sharon KayJones MarkJose
GillKeast JohnKeast KEB JeanetteKeeling
GillianKempster FrancesKenshole George DKent HazelKerr
KathyKeyes ChristineKiddey SandraKing ElizabethKipp
AlKline DeeKornichuk ElizabethLamb JoyLangdon
SalLangley FrancesLarkin LornaLeadbetter RosemaryLeonard
MichaelLightfoot GailLiss LorenaLoubsky SandraLove
KayLovett JohnLowe Mary GillLyle IanMac
LoisMacIver JulianneMalcolm AmandaMalik AmandaMalik
DallasManicom PaulineMann IreneMarlborough HeatherMarshall
JacquieMartin GlendaMattes BevMatthews R FMay
JoanneMayes JuliaMays ClareMcConnell MichaelMcCormick
EllenMcDonald AndrewMcEwan FrankMcGuire VictoriaMcIntyre
VivienneMcRitchie BrendaMead PaulMellett BernieMillington
JaneMilton ChrisMitchell JuliaMitchell TMitchell
Jane VealeMitchell RIP AnneModistach MeliMoore JuliaMosman
TerryMoyle LyndaMudle-Small MahlahMurphy RickMurray
SueMutton TomNancarrow BillNankivell DianaNeave
LindaNelson LindaNewkirk RebeccaNoall Kathryn ENorman
Marc?RainsfordNorth BillNorton RobertNunn MaurineNuttall
BillO'Reilly KenOates SusanOld MargaretOwens
KenOzanne CarrolParfitt ChristineParker IanParsons
RickParsons JaninePascoe ClairePaterson MarionPaul
LyndaPearl BrianPedder SusanPenter JohnPerry
HazelPersson GeraldPeskett ScottPhillips PaulinePickup
HeatherPilcher HeatherPilcher ClivePinch PamelaPinkerton
ShelleyPrelusky MariePrior GeorgePritchard BarbaraPullar
BonnieRashleigh MickReed RonReed PeterRelph
SueRetallick ClaudiaRichards JennyRichter GillRifaat
StuRoberts GlynRobertson PhilRodda AlanRowland
MalcolmRule LeeAnneSalmon RichardSamways RobertSandford
GlenysSavage BarbaraSchenk RudiSchols DawnScotting
JohnSears SandraSearston NickSerpell KevinShannon
Susan EvansShaw JeanShephard JimSheppard RogerShirley
PenelopeShorne KirstySjoholm ElizabethSmith JohnSmith
PeterSmith RickSmith FSperring NikkiSt-Claire
KarenStanaway NanStarjak KarenStart BrianStephen
DavidStick JillStoker DerekStott PhilippaStout
JanetSully MartinSummers RorySummers IreneSutton
LesleySwannell SharonSymons BrianTaylor IvanTaylor
IvanTaylor JimTaylor SueTeakle CillaThomas
StellaThomas CorinneThompson DiThompson MagsTopham
SusanToulson JennieTowan FrancesTregaskes KenTregear
KarenzaTrenoweth BillTrenwith BillTrenwith Ian JTrewhella
DavidTrounce TineTuck AnnTumser KarenTuplin
EleanorTwist ChrisUphill JudithUpton RobVenus
EstelleVincent KayVincent DeborahVosper MichaelWadsley
RobertWaite GwynethWakeham JulieWalker PetraWalkey-Olinga
PetraWalkey-Olinga PatWall CarolWalsh PeterWalton
GrahamWarmington ChrisWarne ChrisWarne BrittanyWarren
JohnWarren JaneWarwick MaggieWatkinson KathieWeigel
RobertWeldon TomWeller HelenaWeston AshleyWheare
JulieWheeler JanetWhite GrantWhiteman AndreaWildes
BarbaraWilkinson DamienWilley PeterWilliams BevWilson
AngelaWood ShelleyWood KayWoodhouse JulieYoung

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Want to help? Have look at our Contributions page. The database is maintained by Gill Hart and Bill O’Reilly but for specific queries relating to
individuals or parishes please contact the appropriate parish OPC.

All the records on this website are placed there with the permission of their transcribers, to whom the copyright belongs. They are only to be used for personal research, and are not to be copied in any way without prior written consent (see full copyright notice here for the principles).

We make no warranty whatsoever as to the accuracy and completeness of the data

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