Cornwall OPC Database
Cornwall OPC
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Can you help?

The Cornwall OPC Project aims to give access to free data on various aspects of Family History in Cornwall. With the help of volunteer transcribers, the volume of info we can provide is ever-growing.

Now it could be your turn to help. Do you have a basic knowledge of how to use a spreadsheet or word processor? Then you could be just who were are looking for! 

We currently have four ongoing transcribing projects:

  • Parish and Non-Conformist Registers (spreadsheets)
  • Newspapers (extracting BMD information and/or transcribing assizes reports) (spreadsheets and word processing)
  • Wills (word processing)
  • Emigrant records (mainly spreadsheets)

It doesn't matter where in the world you are located as the images to work from will be available online.

If you are interested then please contact Kay Halley and let her know if you have a preference of which project you'd like to be involved with.

Cornwall OPC Database updates on find us on Facebook find us on Twitter

Want to help? Have look at our Contributions page. The database is maintained by Gill Hart and Bill O’Reilly but for specific queries relating to
individuals or parishes please contact the appropriate parish OPC.

All the records on this website are placed there with the permission of their transcribers, to whom the copyright belongs. They are only to be used for personal research, and are not to be copied in any way without prior written consent (see full copyright notice here for the principles).

We make no warranty whatsoever as to the accuracy and completeness of the data

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